I began studying lomi lomi in 2005 after completing my massage school training in 2002. I have studied with various teachers and Kumu since that time and have taken classes to have a deeper understanding of Hawaiian cultural practices which are an essential part of this work. This style of lomi lomi is primarily grounded in Hawaii Island lomi lomi via the lineage of Makaʻala Yates founder of Mana Lomi®. Makaʻala was a student and apprentice of Aunty Margaret. This style is rooted in Hawaiian cultural practices, but with a more intentive focus and with the goal of helping the client regain functionality and being able to move more easily. I have also incorporated other relevant techniques I have learned from my other teachers.
Other lomi lomi teachers I have learned from and that my work is influenced by are Abby Cicirelli, Kolleen Kohlrus, Kim and Jim Hartley, Harry Uhane Jim, Kumu Dane Kaohelani Silva, Kumu Pa’a Nui Lawrence Kalainia Kamani Aki, Nancy Kahalewai(Kawailana Malie), Suzanne Kamaluhia Woolley.